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The forgotten do-nut?

The other day, someone asked about "Around like a do-nut." And Mark Irons correctly commented that it not only was published in Giant Size Mini Comics #1 (a book I edited for Eclipse Comics) but that an earlier, bean-less rectangular version was also printed in an interview in Comics Journal #201.
And then there is the one above.
It was one flier of two, that I printed up to hand out at (possibly) Petuniacon and (certainly) Chicago Comicon in 1984.
At that point in time, almost no one in the industry had any idea who I might be, beyond being a persistent letter hack and the author of a weird little fanzine.
I'm almost positive when I made the claim "Tales of the Beanworld coming soon to a shop near you" it was a combination of bluffing and wishful thinking. Because I had not yet reached the status of having my own table, I'm pretty sure all I did with the flier was make a circuit of the dealers' room and give one to every retailer or comics seller on the premises. My intent was to make a statement that there is this really weird and totally different kind of comic book coming down the pipeline. And when it comes time to place an order, perhaps the retailer might remember this handbill in some small fashion. Did it work? Who can say?
There was another flier that was given out at the same time. I'll post that one next.

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